Data Science: Similarity Least Squares (SLSTM) + physics + Statistical Design of Experiment (DOE)

            A New Paradigm for Analysis and Management of Complexity

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Data-science methods for better healthcare are being developed by Dr J. Minor, Dr Rich Bergenstal (IDC), and Dr L. Rickey (YALE).
Consequently,  major improvements in tracking chronic and acute glycemia were presented at the ADA Tech Conferences , June, 2013, 2015.
Public reports are listed at

Also, Two variables, Blood Glucose and conjugate Blood Glucose, characterize the disease status of each patient.
This becomes a powerful new metric for better healthcare and quality of life.

New data science models for analysis of SMBG and CGM data and interrelations to benefit clinical practice and research.



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Copyright of James M Minor, July 4, 2004.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact email
Last updated: March 04, 2016.