Data Science: Similarity Least Squares (SLSTM) + physics + Statistical Design of Experiment (DOE)

            A New Paradigm for Analysis and Management of Complexity

horizontal rule


Scaling-tables for nominal and ordinal variables for 2 outcomes, NR or SVR

SEX  scaled  
F   -0.494685
M   -0.066691
Genotype   scaled 
1	 0.1900436
2	-1.4468745
3	-0.980829
4	 0.44183275
5	-0.6931472
Fibrosis (METAVIR )   	scaled
0          		 0
1         		-0.7884573
2         		-0.5198755
3          		 0.25131443
4          		 1.14513007
Activity (METAVIR score)	 scaled
0		 	 8.20246139 singular data
1			-0.6567795
2		 	 0.06744128
3		 	 0.28768207
prior treatment outcome  scaled
NA (no prior)		-0.4834266
NR			 0.48550782
RR			-0.9985285
#previous treatments	  scaled
0			-0.4834266
1			 0
2			 0.26826399
3			 0          limited data
4			 0          limited data
5			-8.2024614  singular data
prior treatment	  scaled
IFN		-0.1000835
IFN+PEG		-9.2027354
IFN+RIBA	 0.40546511
NA (no prior)	-0.499956
viral Load	TMA	scaled
>=3200		.	bDNA viral load
 <3200		pos	2000
 <3200		neg	 100

horizontal rule

Copyright of James M Minor, July 4, 2004.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact email
Last updated: June 20, 2013.