Data Science: Similarity Least Squares (SLSTM) + physics + Statistical Design of Experiment (DOE)

            A New Paradigm for Analysis and Management of Complexity

horizontal rule


super support points Z values with embedded combinatorial effects 

age sex genoType Fibrosis Activity prior
VL Log10 LogALT VL LogDrop4
1.6565 -1.3448 -1.0801 0.6783 0.6605 -0.4749 -0.5884 1.5813 0.0344
-0.2370 0.7396 0.6619 -0.4448 -0.6412 -1.4297 -0.4006 -1.0477 0.1261
0.3942 0.7396 0.6619 -0.4448 -0.6412 1.3212 1.1699 -0.6471 0.4497
-0.1318 0.7396 1.0366 0.6783 0.3569 -0.4749 -0.9948 0.5195 0.7583
-1.2889 0.7396 -1.0801 -0.8360 -0.6412 -0.4749 0.8485 1.0685 1.6583
-1.7096 0.7396 -1.0801 -0.8360 0.3569 -0.4749 0.5292 0.6736 1.5024
-0.5525 0.7396 0.6619 -0.8360 0.3569 -0.4749 -1.3531 1.0620 -0.3389
-0.2370 -1.3448 -1.7735 -0.8360 -0.6412 -0.4749 -1.5215 0.3573 0.5011
-0.4473 0.7396 -1.0801 1.9799 -0.6412 -0.4749 -0.4264 -0.5624 0.1135
-0.6577 0.7396 0.6619 -0.8360 -0.6412 1.3212 -1.2291 -0.6254 -0.2784
1.8669 0.7396 0.6619 1.9799 -0.6412 1.3212 0.3789 1.6649 -1.3670
2.0772 0.7396 -1.0801 1.9799 0.3569 1.3212 0.7673 0.9104 0.6964
-0.2370 -1.3448 0.6619 -0.8360 -0.6412 -0.4749 -0.0758 -2.0017 0.2847
-0.7629 -1.3448 0.6619 0.6783 0.3569 1.3212 0.6663 1.1133 -1.1208
-0.8681 0.7396 -1.0801 1.9799 0.3569 -0.4749 0.1175 0.1983 0.1391
-0.9733 -1.3448 -1.0801 -0.8360 0.3569 -0.4749 -1.4230 -1.3354 -0.3731
0.3942 0.7396 -1.7735 -0.8360 0.6605 -0.4749 0.2317 -1.5658 0.4349
-0.6577 0.7396 -1.0801 -0.8360 -0.6412 -0.4749 0.5016 0.2456 -0.5868
-0.6577 0.7396 -1.0801 -0.8360 -0.6412 -1.4297 0.8021 -0.0795 0.7134
-0.0266 0.7396 0.6619 0.6783 0.3569 1.3212 -0.3477 1.1870 0.1520
0.1838 0.7396 0.6619 -0.8360 0.6605 1.3212 1.1903 -1.7433 -0.5013
-0.8681 -1.3448 0.6619 1.9799 -0.6412 -1.4297 -4.2059 -1.7913 -0.8096
2.6032 -1.3448 0.6619 -0.4448 0.3569 -0.4749 0.6448 -0.8839 -0.8457
0.6046 0.7396 0.6619 -0.4448 -0.6412 1.3212 0.0769 0.5002 -0.9981
-0.1318 -1.3448 0.6619 -0.8360 -0.6412 1.3212 1.2081 -0.3351 -0.6189
2.1824 -1.3448 0.6619 -0.4448 0.3569 -0.4749 -0.5776 -0.4825 -0.5613


horizontal rule

Copyright of James M Minor, July 4, 2004.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact email
Last updated: June 20, 2013.