Data Science: Similarity Least Squares (SLSTM) + physics + Statistical Design of Experiment (DOE)

            A New Paradigm for Analysis and Management of Complexity

horizontal rule

C set
S set
d matrix
super vectors

week 4 SLSTM model formula based on preprocessed clinical variables (ref clinical study)

In mathematical terms, the scoring function created by SLSTM can be expressed as follows:

where V is the SLSTM-derived metric used to predict outcome for each patient where high values imply NR*, {C} is a subset of preprocessed clinical variables, Sk is the similarity function between the patient profile (object properties) and the object k containing key combinatorial effects. Recall Similarity can be any viable function of object proximity. The Greek symbols (µ, alpha, ß and e) are parameters optimized for the training data composed of critical patients. Probabilities can be assigned to the scalar scaled scores V by appropriate statistical procedures such as logistic regression.

For this data the SLSTM process applied a simple similarity, ie, a Gaussian of weighted Euclidean distance:




{C}  = Z set of clinical variables defining patient profile. EXAMPLEs

{Fk} = Z set of profile variables for feature k (super vector)

{d} = set of weighting factors determined by SLS™ technology

(a) V>0.1 implies NR
(b) V<-0.05 implies SVR
(c) otherwise patient is non-predictable because the profile is: 
    (1)new support profile or 
    (2)potential critical profile.
Note, if one gets a multiplicity of (c) non-predictables, this suggests calibration issues.
Graph shows portion of V metric (red = critical patients):


horizontal rule

Copyright of James M Minor, July 4, 2004.
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Last updated: June 20, 2013.